Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Top 10 Random Thoughts on Great Britain

- I can't look at one of the trademark London red phone booths without getting Maroon 5's "Phone Booth" stuck in my head.  Thanks, Adam Levine.

- I love that baked potatoes in Great Britain are called "jacket potatoes."  

- I'm thankful that many street corners have the words, "Look Left" or "Look Right" painted on the pavement.  Foreign pedestrians like ourselves need all the help we can get, trying to figure out from which direction crazy drivers may potentially maim us.

- I simply cannot hear a Scottish accent without immediately saying, "There is a piper down!" (in a Scottish accent and under my breath, of course)

- I get that fries are called "chips" and that chips are called "crisps," but I'm sorry, I still like ketchup with my chips/fries, even if it makes me look like a tacky American with no culinary sophistication. 

- While on the subject of dining out, I don't quite understand why it's more expensive to "Eat in" than to "Take away."  Are we that much of a nuisance sitting in their restaurants, as opposed to taking food out?  Even fruit at cafes is marked up if you plan to eat it there.  Perhaps it compensates for a lower expectation of tipping.

- I also don't understand why it's necessary to flash the yellow light along with the red light to alert drivers that the stoplight is about to turn green.  Perhaps Americans are better at anticipating the green (by going several feet into the intersection while still on red) than Brits are.

- I don't mind "minding the gap" at Tube stations.  The Tube is truly excellent.  

- If I haven't walked enough this summer, I'm making up for it this weeks.  Calves of steel, coming right up.  Sorry, I should say - calves of steel, coming straight away.

- I'm addicted to Lion candy bars.  It's a good thing they don't sell them much in the U.S., or I'd eat them every day.  As a matter of fact, instead of blathering on, I think I'll have one now.  Cheerio!

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